Monday, August 27, 2012


My birthday is pretty much my favorite day of the year. When I was growing up my parents had a rule that you couldn’t talk about your birthday until the person with the birthday before yours had their special day, I was not a fan of this rule and in retrospect I bet they made the rule because of me. One of my brother’s has a birthday just 17 days before mine (I won’t even pretend that I didn’t keep count), because of his poor birthday planning (maybe I should blame that on mom?) I only had 17 days to bask in the glow of my soon to be big day. I then had the misfortune to meet the love of my life, fall in love, and marry him. His birthday is 8 days before mine, 8. I now only get one week to talk about my birthday, one week to cram a year of excitement in. Just one week. As you may have guessed, today starts my birthday week. I decided to start this glorious week by taking a small look back at how sad my nails used to be. As you remember from my first post (I’ll assume you have it near memorized) I had gel polish manicures for a long time and they left my nails in ruins. I had to keep them painted because they were literally falling apart. As the damage grew out you could actually see the curved line of where the nail grew to. The paint didn’t even hide the line; I just had to stare at it knowing how much I damaged my nice thing.
I used to paint them just one solid color, ahhh memories

The color I’m wearing above is the same as one I used today, SallyHansen CSM Gilty Pleasure; I also used OPIAphrodite’s Pink Nightie. How do you get a job naming nail polish? I think I would be awesome at that job, the new Germany collection from OPI has some of the best names ever and I feel like I could be an asset to that team. I want a job that involves nail polish and a thesaurus, is that too much to ask? But I digress, back to my nails. As it is my birthday week and I was feeling nostalgic, I decided to do polka dots. I actually looked at Google search pictures of polka dot manicures for a shameful amount of time; I think I will have to do several dotted manicures in the near future. To do these dots I used my trusty toothpick, not all the dots are even sizes, that is the price you must pay with hobbled together tools.
I think these may start a dot renaissance

There are so few shopping days left until my birthday, please consider this your first warning J

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