Tuesday, September 11, 2012

OPI Deutsch You Want Me Baby?

I’ve said before that I’m not artistic at all, this is still very true. My lack of artistic ability rears its head in many situations; the most recent is my complete lack of a photographic eye. Since starting my blog I’ve heard the phrase “your nails look so much better in person” more than I care to keep track of. The thing is, everyone that said that is totally right. I was taking pictures on my iPhone and then emailing them to myself, which works great in theory but really does limit the quality of the photograph. I’m sure a real photographer could take a picture with my iPhone and make it look glorious; I’m not a real photographer. Because of this, I have decided to now take pictures with our digital camera and upload said pictures to hopefully improve my photo quality. This seems like a lot of background info to get to the sentence: I took like 50 pictures of my nails in the last two days. My poor husband tried to help me take better pictures but I think it was like trying to teach Coco the gorilla how to take pictures, except that I’m sure Coco has more artistic talent (with a name like Coco how can’t you be artsy?).

For my manicure, yes I did actually paint my nails I didn’t just take pictures, I used one of my new colors I got from the OPI Germany Collection Deutsch You Want Me Baby?. It’s a really pretty dark orange with red and gold micro-glitter. I love the color, it went on really easily (disregard all the paint on my fingers) and it looks so pretty in the sunlight. I don’t know if I’ve ever loved an orange so much.
This is an attempt at taking a picture inside before I cleaned up my messy fingers

Picture taken outside, I was hoping the glitter would show up

Even though I really like the solid color, I just got my dotters in the mail today so I’m pretty sure that I’m going to try to put something over this orange. Are the pictures any better?


  1. Yes the pictures are better, and the color is very striking, I was going to say tray-fab but since I can't spell it, I went with striking.

  2. Love it -- although, it still does look better in person.. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
