Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mummy nails

I have something shameful to admit; I did another matte finish manicure with Matte About You but forgot to take pictures. I know, its disgraceful, appalling, and other words that Microsoft Word says are synonyms of shameful. I’ll blame it on my busy weekend. On Saturday Thad and I (with the help of his dad and his dad’s truck) picked up the china hutch that my Grandpa gave me. It was so much fun putting it in the house and unpacking my fancy glassware to put in it. My Grandma had excellent taste in china and since the hutch was also once hers, it was a perfect fit. The whole process of getting and setting up the hutch pretty much took my whole day, and today was filled with football and some very unsuccessful jeans shopping. I quickly discovered that although I once loved shopping for clothes, I now hate it; I keep hoping that someone is going to jump out from behind a rack of clothing and tell me what will look good on me. On the plus side, I did manage to find my first crackle polish (it was $0.99) so I’m interested to see how that will work out.

That’s quite enough about my weekend, now it’s time to get down to this sweet manicure. I decided to do another Halloween manicure as Halloween is only 10 days away. These nails were so much easier than I thought they would be and faster. I did three coats of OPI Alpine Snow before adding a coat of China Glaze Ghoulish Glaze and then the bandages and the ghost face. As you can probably tell from the picture I had a little bit of trouble with bubbles on a couple of nails and should have done thinner coats on my middle finger (white polish is so difficult!). I used my dotters and striper polishes for the detail work and they worked like a charm. These were really fun to do, I tried to get the bandages to all look different but I think they mostly ended up looking the same.
Spooky mummies and a ghost!

My plan was that I was going to charge my nails up and then take a photo of the glow in the dark looking awesome. This really didn’t go as planned, only one of my nails (left pinkie) had enough glow to be photographed (and I photographed it very poorly). I thought I had really put it on thick but apparently I didn’t, next time I’m going to do multiple coats of the glow in the dark. I will say though the one that did turn out looks pretty cool since the face is still black as I put on the glow in the dark before painting bandages/faces.

After painting them Thad and I were discussing mummies and determined that they are really just zombies with a different wardrobe. I’m not a zombie/mummy expert but this did lead me to wonder if mummies were all also after brains, or if that was more of a regional taste left to zombies in non desert areas.

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