Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ornament nails

A few years ago my mom and I started a tradition that the Saturday after Thanksgiving we make Christmas candy. This tradition has morphed into meaning that the Saturday after Thanksgiving we will stay in our sweatpants all day, make a minimal amount of candy, and drink a bit too much. All of this sounded like a great excuse to take a day off of work. We ended up making so many Oreo truffles that I got a blister on my finger from the spoon I used to dip them in almond bark. I don’t know if this means that I have delicate cupcake hands or if the spoon was out to get me. In either case I am now forced to wear a Band-Aid on my right middle finger (at least I very rarely photograph my right hand). I don’t know if it is just me but I hate Band-Aids, they make me feel dirty like they are teeming with filth that is just waiting to jump on whatever food I am currently conveying to my mouth, please don’t take this as a reason to not eat my Oreo truffles though, they are really quite good.

Since making Christmas candy really started getting me into the Christmas mood I decided to do wintery nails this time around. I actually have so many awesome winter/Christmas ideas for my nails that I’m a bit over excited about the whole thing. I really wanted these to look like Christmas ornaments so when I showed them to my husband and his first response was “those look like ornaments” I was beside myself excited.
Do you see ornaments too?

For these nails I used Zoya Song, OPI Radiance (another designer series polish!) and a little bit of China Glaze Running in Circles. These nails didn’t turn out how I initially pictured them, I knew they wouldn’t as soon as I started the silver lines and realized I picked way too big of a brush. Instead of starting over I decided to work with what I had and in the end I think they look pretty. After using Radiance once I’m already in love. I think this is going to end up being such a fun color to use this holiday season. It is incredible just how metallic the color is in person, it sparkles without having any big glitter pieces and seems to shine no matter what angle you look at it. The color is so sparkly that I am getting distracted by the reflection of it in my computer monitor J.
Thad showed me how to do a super up close picture

I love these nails even though they are so different from what I wanted them to look like when I first started my manicure; it helps to use such fun colors.