Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gift Wrapped nails

I got my rental car yesterday and I have decided to call her Not Mittens, let me explain. I used to play World of Warcraft, and like all games that I have played, I played in nonstop in an obsessive sort of way (much like I play Pocket Frogs now). When I played WOW I was a hunter, this was due almost completely to the fact that hunters get pets, so when my Tauren hunter got to a high enough level to get her first pet I had my brother help me tame a tiger (what are big brothers for if not to help their sister tame video game tigers?). I named this tiger Mittens and I loved her as much as one can love a virtual pet. One day a system glitch caused Mittens to disappear and be replaced with a random tiger that didn’t have the allegiance to me that Mittens had always displayed, by that I mean she attacked me. I had to contact the game administrators so that they could recover my Mittens for me; in the mean time I named this imposter Not Mittens. Well, that totally necessary story helped clear  up why I’m calling my rental call Not Mittens.

At this point it would be pretty awesome if I had some tiger manicure planned so that I could tie in how I started, but I don’t have that. I did these nails after picking up the rental car if that helps you put it all together in your head and justify why you now know the name of my WOW pet that I had four year ago. For this manicure I used OPI DS Radiance (I’m starting a love affair with this color) and China Glaze Running In Circles from their new Cirque du Soleil collection.
I’m going to call this hand pose the claw hand

The green is so much fun in person; I wish it was daylight longer so I could have taken an outdoor shot of it. The color is a really deep green that looks like it is made up of multiple layers of green polish and green glitter. It looked horrible after the first coat and I was really worried that it was going to be way too light but it looks great after three coats. Application was pretty easy but watch that you don’t put the first layer on too think trying to get the color right because it makes the next layers a bit draggy.
The green almost looks like moss

I tried to take a super up close one like Thad did from me on my ornament nails but it turned out terribly, lets blame it on the super shiny nails and not my below average photography skills. I wanted the design to look like wrapped presents. If I did it again though I think I would do the bow in a different color and make it a bit larger so it stands out from the rest of the ribbon. I can’t believe how soon Christmas is! I need to decide what nails I’ll have for the big day still J.

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