Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pins for Paws Bowling nails

On Sunday I got to volunteer for the local animal shelter in one of the most fun ways possible; my work had two teams at the Pins for Paws event so I got to bowl for puppies. I’m a terrible bowler, like really bad, I bowled a 68 my first game and a 79 during the second game (I got a strike!). I always have fun bowling even though I’m horrible at it (no offense to anyone reading this and thinking that I bowl better than them). I was very worried about breaking a nail while I was bowling and my fears were not helped when someone said “how can you wear those? You are going to break them all off!” This comment was met with my standard “they are real” and “OMG why would you say that?!?!?!” I’m at bit ashamed to say that I actually said the letters O, M, and G. Somehow I managed to not break any of my nails and I’m going to say that is why my game suffered.

For this manicure I decided to do paws (again) but to give them a bowling theme so they matched the event. I used China Glaze Rich & Famous and Gothic Lolita, OPI Alpine Snow, DS Radiance, and Deutsch You Want Me Baby? and Orly Liquid Vinyl.
Pins for Paws nails

I’m terrible at painting nails all white, I don’t know if I put on the coats too thick or don’t do enough of them, but they always look terrible, like chunky streaky messes. I also hate how all white nails look on me, but this might be because I can’t seem to paint them right. Despite all my thoughts on white nails, I really wanted to have some of my nails look like bowling pins, so I went with this design. My thumb is supposed to look like a bowling ball but I’m not so sure how well that really turned out.
Bowling ball thumb?

These nails aren’t my favorite but they worked well for the event. I think it is odd that I have found a reason to do paw print nails three times since starting my blog. I must really like puppies J.


  1. I saw a picture someone had tagged you in on Facebook during this event. It looked like you were concerned about your nails in the picture, too. :)Your message was clear.
