Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saran Wrap nails

It’s been way too long, I wish I had some awesome excuse to explain why I have been neglecting my blog, but I don’t have one other than I am lazy. Don’t worry; I’ve still been painting my nails so this week will be full of blogs, blogfull if you will. Minnesota and Mother Nature got together and decided to play a mean trick on us here in the northland. We got snow a few days ago, and not just a little dusting of snow, but like 8 inches of this horrible, wet, heavy snow. I miss being warm and seeing the sun. Please get warm again Minnesota, we really earned it.

I wanted to try something different for this manicure so I did what I read on the interwebs is called a Saran Wrap manicure. At first I tried to use Cling Wrap brand saran wrap and I’ll let you in on a secret, it didn’t work as well as the Saran Wrap brand saran wrap. For this manicure I used China Glaze Rich & Famous and Fast Track, every time I use Fast Track I’m reminded how much I love that color. I should have bought it in bulk so I would have it forever.
Saran Wrap nails

To do this manicure I first painted my nails with the gold color, and then I had to wait for it to dry all the way (something I struggle with). After it was totally dry (well, mostly totally dry) I put a layer of the pink on and then dabbed it away with a balled up piece of Saran Wrap. If you are thinking right now ‘I bet that made a huge mess’ you would be very right. I had pink all over my fingers, but nothing a shower couldn’t take care of.
I pushed a little too hard in a few places and made little divots

Just for fun, I decided to put essie Matte About You on my ring finger. In person I liked the matte finish nail more than the shiny ones but in the picture I like the shiny ones more. I like the overall look of the nails, I thought they kind of look like marble. This manicure was super easy and I’m already thinking of other color combinations I can do with it, perhaps next time I’ll use two colors that are more similar, like light and dark purple. Hope you didn’t miss me too much, I’ll try to be less lazy J

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