Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pansy nails

I’m pretty sure I was just about the most annoying child ever. I’m super loud and still have yet to master to art of being silent, so I would say it is a fair assumption that I was the kind of child that makes me cringe. My parents had to love me, they are my parents after all, but my friend’s parents did not have any such obligation. I’ve been friends with my best friend since we were eleven which means that for the last 18 years I have had a second mom, a woman who had no responsibility to like me and my super annoying self but somehow did. Jackie’s mom (yes I still call her Jackie’s mom even though I’m an adult) has really been a second mom, and I’m not using that term lightly. She is awesome, she let me tag along to family functions so often that I really felt like a part of her family. I was reminded of how thoughtful she is the other day, when  for no reason she sent me a present, a hoodie from the zoo I used to work at. How nice is she?

I wanted to do nails for Jackie’s mom so I decided to do her favorite flower. For this manicure I used OPI You’re Such a Budapest and Alpine Snow, Sally Hansen CSM Anenome Of Mine, and Orly Lemonade. These nails ended up reminding me of wallpaper Jackie’s mom had in her kitchen because of the purple background.
Pansy nails

Some of the pansies look like space aliens and not flowers, but overall I was happy with how these nails turned out. If I were to do them again I think I would do sponging or saran wrap backgrounds and more than one pansy on top of it. I like that idea so much it makes me want to do them now.
I don’t know why the one edge is so jacked up

These nails were super simple but fun none the less. They reminded me how much I love flower nails and that I should do them more often, it is spring after all. I hope you liked my pansy nails and thank you Jackie’s mom for the super cool hoodie. J

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