Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Striped nails

I’ve never been a huge fan of baseball. When I was a kid all my brothers were in little league and I remember being super bored at the games. My dad loved baseball so he would have us all go out to the ballpark on weekends and play as a team. Dad always gave me special rules so that I wouldn’t suck too bad, for instance I got five strikes and if after that I still didn’t hit the ball, he would throw the ball as if I had hit it and let me run to base. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure that I never hit the ball. What can I say? Sports aren’t in my blood, but nails are J

I did these nails for a Twins game this weekend. I didn’t want them to be too basebally (since as previously stated I’m not a huge fan) but I did still want them to be somewhat Twins themed. I found this idea online (cutepolish is amazing) and just had to do it right away. For this manicure I used OPI DS Radiance, China Glaze Splish Splash, Sally Hansen CSM All Fired Up, and Orly White Tips. I’ve talked before about how much I hate white polish so I got this Orly to replace my OPI and it is so much better. I think it is most noticeable when you look at the coverage around my cuticles.
Striped nails

These nails were easy but required a lot of work. To do the stripes I used those dental flossers that you get from the drugstore. In order for the paint to stick to them you have to make sure to get the kind that are not ‘glide’, I of course only had that kind so I walked to Wallgreens, they were out, so I walked to CSV and there I found the flossers I needed. At this point I had already put in a lot of work and I hadn’t even started painting my nails!
I always seem to have dog hairs in my pictures

These nails made a much bigger mess than I thought they would, paint got on the plastic edges of the flosser so the paint then got all over the sides of my fingers. They also took a really long time, new paint had to be put on for each stripe and I did each color twice. I didn’t mind how long they took though because I was watching Wreck-it-Ralph and it was a really cute movie.
This makes them look more basebally

I really liked how these turned out and they make me want to do them in different colors, like all different shades of blue would be cool. Hope you liked them too J

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