Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Zoya Nightmare nails

I’m a sucker for a good deal, even when the deal ends up not being so good. My mom and I like to compare our shopping hauls to big game, for instance if we got $300 worth of stuff at Khol’s for $20 we may say that we got a moose. In case you are wondering right now if the poor sales person looks confused by our exchange the answer is yes. When I’m shopping by myself I tend to fall victim to fake good deals more often, I guess protecting me from myself is one of my mom’s many jobs (thanks mom). I fell victim to one of these deals at Ulta the last time I went a little crazy there, they had a deal with Zoya polish that if you bought three at full price then you got a free ‘color lock kit’. For some reason I just had to have that kit, it was an all consuming need that could only be satisfied by obtaining that ‘free’ kit. In the end I left Ulta with three Zoya colors, one of which is a dupe of Deutsch You Want Me Baby?, and only one did I really want, sigh.

I was really excited to do this manicure because I used my brand new ‘color lock kit’, unfortunately the kit ended up being a huge disappointment. The kit has a really good polish remover, a basic base coat, a worthless top coat, and a serum that you are supposed to use an eye dropper thing to put drops of it over the worthless top coat. I’m not sure if my top coat is just messed up or if the top coat is really this worthless. It is so crazy thick that it was impossible to put it on and not have bubbles everywhere (you will see the bubbles shortly), I put the serum on top but that only seemed to anger it more. I went from being super excited about this design and manicure in general, to totally disillusioned. For this manicure I used a horrible ‘color lock kit’, Zoya Channing, Maria Luisa, and Louise.
I’m not going to even pretend this isn’t a nightmare of a manicure

So this manicure had a lot going wrong, although the base color was a very pretty brown (it’s Louise) it was much too dark for the design I put on it so the branches and leaves just look like a hot mess. The bubbles are horrible (that top coat should be ashamed of itself) and they make the whole manicure look lumpy.
These lasted like two days tops

All the colors were actually pretty (and super shiny, you can see the reflection of my camera in my nails) but they just didn’t work together the way I wanted them to. I love the colors Zoya has but the formula isn’t my favorite, they seem to stain my nails more than other brands and some of them are super runny. I really need to try leaves again and redeem myself for these.

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