Monday, November 25, 2013

Catching Fire nails

I’m a huge fan of young adult fantasy fiction, especially when it is in a series - I simply can’t resist them. I also love going to see their movie adaptations; I don’t expect them to be just like the books so I am able to enjoy them for what they are. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for Catching Fire to come out but it finally did so we went to see it last Friday. We decided against going to the midnight show because, quite frankly, I’m too damn old to be going anywhere at midnight (getting back home after 11pm was pushing it for me). The movie was totally worth the wait and the late hour, my favorite part was when it was over and the guy in front of me said “that’s how it ends?” yes sir, that is how it ends.

As soon as I knew we were going to the movie I started thinking about what my nails should look like, obviously. For this manicure I used Ulta Sun-Sational and Orly Liquid Vinyl, as well as some stripers. I’m pretty happy with how these turned out, I thought the fire ended up looking pretty cool and you can tell what the bow and arrow are supposed to be, at least I think you can.
Catching Fire nails

To get the fire look I started with an orange striper and layered lines on my nail, I didn’t put the brush into the bottle very often so the lines ended up kinda wispy. I put red on top of the orange and did the same thing and then topped it off with gold glitter, because I thought fire should be sparkly, and really I’m going to add sparkle to my nails whenever I get the chance.
The tip wear vexes me

I’ve had a lot of trouble with tip wear lately and I’m not quite sure why. My best guess is that I’m going to bed before they are totally dry and then I’m messing the tips up by pulling up our incredibly heavy quilt. We have probably one of the heaviest blankets that has ever existed. A friend from college made it for our wedding and it is equal parts awesome and lead. I don’t think I’m going to be able to get myself to go to bed any later, so perhaps I need to just put up with the tip wear situation.

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