I’m pretty sure I watch seasons of TV shows like every other
rational person does, I compulsively watch the entire season as fast as
physically possible and allow the show to affect most aspects of my life,
normal right? I just consumed the seventh season of Dexter, and although I didn’t
even really like the season I still felt the need to get through the season in
a manner of days, it would have gone even faster if we didn’t have jobs.
Between watching Dexter and hanging out with friends in Vegas, it has been very
hard for me to keep my language clean at work, stupid peer pressure J
You know how when I do a sponged manicure I always say how
much I love it and how I should sponge more often? Well these nails are sponged
and they didn’t need to happen. For this manicure I used Orly Prelude to a Kiss, Sally Hansen CSM Gilty Pleasure, and China Glaze Fast Track and Rich & Famous.
Sponged disaster nails
These nails were so blah that I forgot to take pictures of
them until after I started taking the polish off, which is why you get rare
right handed pictures. The application of the polish had so many issues that it
would have been impossible to have nails that I liked in the end. Somehow (I’m
going to guess because I never dust) my sponges (and everything else) got
covered in dog hair so I ended up sponging the dog hair right into the design.
It was really fun to find the hairs days later and have to pull them out, it
made me feel really pretty.
Yes, these pictures suck
So, yeah, these nails aren’t very good. They were a poor
design that was poorly executed. I guess these nails are proof that sponging
isn’t nail magic. On a completely unrelated topic, while I was at work Thad
DVRed The Man with a 132 Pound Scrotum,
he must love me J