Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Plaid nails

There are so many things I love about living in Minnesota; March is not one of them. This winter has really been long and horrible, crushing the hopes and dreams of so many Minnesotans. Damn that groundhog, damn him and his little adorable self. The other day I was running errands for work and I had my sunroof open, it was 30 degrees. 30 degrees is somehow warm enough for me to think my sunroof needs to be open; winter has successfully messed with my head.

This manicure is the first time that I’ve reused a nail design and just changed out the colors. For these nails I used OPI You’re Such a Budapest and Orly Lemonade. I’ve been stalking the OPI for weeks at Ulta, its part of their newest collection and I wanted it so much I even paid full price for it (shocking). It’s a wonderful light purple that has a bit of a shimmer in the bottle but not on the nail. The color is perfect after three coats, although I’m still adjusting to needed less polish.
Spring Plaid

The purple didn’t photograph very well; I’m going to blame that on the camera/lighting and not me. I can’t decide if I like these more or the pink ones I did last month, I love how hard they look when they are actually pretty easy. They are those eye catching kind of nails that make strangers comment, these were flashy enough that guys even commented on them (a very rare event).
I had some cuticle trouble, like usual

I haven’t been painting my nails as much as I did before, I’m going to blame that on the fitness center ladies, they don’t seem to think that nail painting time is as important as working out, strange I know. Hopefully as the sun returns to the frozen northland my energy will come back and I’ll start staying up past 9:30. On a side note, today is my niece is six months old; I can’t believe it has been six months since I did my cherry blossom nails and met her. Happy six months Arloa!

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