Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mario nails

I think the Girl Scouts are stalking me. They are everywhere, calling to me from their tables laden with sweet delicious cookies. It doesn’t seem to matter where I am going, they are there waiting for me. At the grocery store, the mall, even the bowling alley, they are always there. I think I’m confusing most of them though, being innocent little girls they don’t understand the torture they are inflicting on my chubby self. When they ask if I want to buy Girl Scout cookies my mouth says ‘no’ but my eyes say ‘yes, I would like to buy six boxes and spend my weekend on the couch in my sweatpants while I eat all of them and watch Bridesmaids’. Please stop mavens of packaged baked goods, I’m losing resolve and I really don’t want to stuff my face with Tagalongs.

I’m not a huge gamer, but I will always have a soft spot for Mario. I remember playing it on the original NES, you remember the one that the other person had to die before it was your turn so you would play with your older brother that never died because they were way better at it than you so you just didn’t get to play, yeah that one. I thought it would be fun to do Mario themed nails and I was right, they are fun :). For this manicure I used Sally Hansen CSM Parrot and OPI Alpine Snow.

Will these nails make me live longer?

The whole time I was painting these nails I had the music from castle levels stuck in my head (dun dun dun dun dun dun) and perhaps I said it out loud to everyone I showed at work, perhaps I also said it out loud to my doctor after she commented on them, perhaps. I’m not super pleased with the shape of my mushrooms, I feel like I could have made them rounder. I also don’t like that I wasn’t able to get a straight line to separate the green and white, I was having issues with my brush choices.

I’ll admit he is a little wonky

I’m very happy with how the polka dot tips turned out, I think they are a really fun contrast to the mushroom nails; they make me want to do more polka dot tips. These ended up being my first March nails so that’s why I went with green instead of red. I haven’t decided what my next ones will be but I imagine that they will also be green.

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