Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nail Tragedy

Tragedy struck today, not real tragedy but rather nail related tragedy struck today. It’s super rainy today, which means that it is super icy today. As I went to open the side door on the garage, I slipped and broke my nails. Left pointer got it the worst; she is broken to a sad little nub. Left middle and ring also were harmed. I have to cut all my nails off. It’s a sad but true fact. In case you were wondering, it hurt really badly and I cursed so loudly that Thad could hear me in the running car with the radio on. It’s my first major break in a year, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

For this manicure I had no idea what I was going to do before I started. I just got out all my green polish and just stared at them until I thought of something. I used Sally Hansen CSM Parrot as the base color, it is my favorite green that I have, I really dig the color and the formula is my favorite of any Sally Hansen. For the dots I used Zoya Ray and China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise. The China Glaze ended up looking really blue, it’s a neon so the color isn’t usually very true to bottle when I layer it but I promise it looks green in the bottle. I didn’t take pictures of my nails before the ‘incident’ so if you have a weak stomach for totally damaged nails I would look away.
I don’t always break my nails, but when I do I break the shit out of them

I’m still not sure what the design is supposed to be, but I like it. I almost think they look like fish eggs, or peas. I guess you now know that I have never seen fish eggs, or peas apparently. I could have easily made them into shamrocks or four leaf clovers if I had thought about it more, but instead they are just some random dots, cute, but random.
I’m not sure how I messed my cuticles up that much

I kinda feel silly about being so bummed about my nails, I always tell people that complain that their nails don’t grow like mine that short nails can be really cute too, I guess I get to try that theory out. I feel like I can do even tackier nails with them being short, although I wonder how I could make my nails tackier. Well, I’m off to paint my nails; they need a little TLC after the day they’ve had.

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