Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reaping day

I like to call the day I repaint my nails ‘reaping day’. Allow me to explain, whenever I buy new polish (I don’t want to admit how often that is) the first thing I want to do it repaint my nails. This was definitely the case when I bought two colors from the Hunger Games collection (China Glaze Electrify and Fast Track), I yearned to repaint my nails in all their Katniss glory but it was right before the fourth of July and I had super tacky go America nails planned next, so the Hunger Games nails had to wait. As soon as my tacky America nails showed the smallest sign of wear I excitedly declared it reaping day and set to repaint my nails.

 The glitter was a pain in the ass to get off but so worth it

The term kind of stuck after that, and by ‘kind of stuck’ I mean that I was the only person who called it that. Anywho, today was a reaping day, but today didn’t go well. I’m going to blame it on the pressure of the blog. My plan was to do my first V manicure, meaning I would tape off Vs and paint them a different color. I used Savvy Totally Teal and I’m going to say that was my first mistake. The polish went on so think that even with my amazing quick dry top coat the tape pulled up layers of paint creating the look of vomit on my nails. I had to take the polish all the way off and repaint my left ring finger three times, as you can see I gave up on the blue and used Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Frutti Petutie. They still looked awful so I covered the whole thing in glitter (Finger Paints Hue Left a Message?) thinking that glitter will have to make them better.

 The offending nails

I’m sure these nails will meet their end tomorrow after work, and at that time I will regret my choice of glitter as glitter is a pain the ass to remove (have I already said that?).

On a side note, Microsoft Word wanted to change Katniss to catnip; I was much too excited about that.

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