Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tacky Gold nails

I hadn’t lifted weights in six months and for some unknown reason the evil trainers at the fitness center forced me to lift yesterday. As a result I had trouble washing my hair this morning and everything else after that was difficult too. I hate when people say ‘but it’s a good hurt’, I mean what the hell does that mean? I’m never happy to be in pain and I wouldn’t call anything about my inability to lift my arms above my head good. What I will say is good is that I painted my nails last night, getting the blue off was as hard as I remembered so it was good I had my arm strengthJ.

This is my 50th post! I knew I wanted to do something gold and tacky for my 50th (like a golden jubilee) and this manicure really fits that bill. Word of warning before the pictures, the red was a bitch to get off my hands so they are a little messier than usual. For this manicure I used Sally Hansen CSM Glity Pleasure and All Fired Up, OPI Goldeneye, and China Glaze Fast Track (I did also use essie Matte About You on the matte finish nails).
My pinkie is crazy

I used some gold colored foil on my pinkie and I’m not sure about it. Yes, it is super loud and tacky, which I do love, but it is also sharp and it gets snagged on everything. I put so much topcoat on trying to smooth it out but it is still pokey. If I make it through all of tomorrow with it on I will be impressed with myself. I love how the red turned out as a matte, especially in the leopard print, I wish I would have done the whole manicure as leopard after seeing how it turned out.
The leopard is just too fun

I can’t believe this is already my 50th post, I feel like I just started doing this the other day! If I was forced to pick (and right now I’m picturing my hundreds of avid readers screaming ‘pick! Pick!’ I would say my favorite nails are my cherry blossom nails or my Vikings nails. I hope you have enjoyed my posts as I rather enjoy writing them.
Oh and on a side note, I don’t actually think my trainers are evil, but I do like to tell them that they are cold and dead inside. Also, Blogger has changed how to upload pictures and it is horrible. If any executives at Google are reading this (I assume I’m on their morning reading rotation) please change it back because the new way sucks.


  1. Thank you for the disclaimer at the end. You were about to be hung even worse next week for calling us evil.. :)

  2. And by hung I mean hurting. #awkwardautocorrect
