Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Purple Rhinestone nails

Thad is a huge Vikings fan, huge. The movie Fever Pitch really resonated with me, except that Thad is not exceptionally annoying like Jimmy Fallon. This last weekend the Vikings had a fan appreciation day at the Metrodome, obviously we went. I like football, but mostly I watch it because Thad loves it so much. His excitement at fan day was infectious. We got to take a tour of the Metrodome and when we went into the locker room I thought Thad was going to lose it. He has wanted to be in the Vikings locker room since he was about 5 so it didn’t really matter that the locker room was kinda crappy or that this is going to be the last season that they are even in that building. I love that he can be so passionate about something.

Of course my nails had to dress appropriately for Vikings day, for this manicure I used Sally Hansen CSM Anenome of Mine (I would like to point out that is how the polish name is printed on the bottle, I didn’t just spell it wrong for fun) and a crap ton of gold rhinestones. These nails took for freakin forever and I hated these nails, they were not at all what I intended.
Purple rhinestone nails

At first my plan was to do matte finish tips with the gold rhinestones, the Vikings just unveiled their new uniforms which include matte finish helmets, so I thought it would be a cool touch. I have never had any issues with essie Matte About You before, but it really didn’t work right on the purple. It left a bunch of white spots and just got the purple kinda chunky. To make matters worse, I use topcoat to adhere my rhinestones and it made little glossy streaks in the matte finish, so that is why you are not looking at badass purple matte tips.
I don’t even know what to say about my pointer finger

The topcoat went on like a bitch and just made the whole thing look weird and horrible. What I hated most about these nails was also the weirdest thing about them. You know how some sounds or the feeling of something can make your teeth hurt? Well, these nails made my teeth hurt. Every time the rhinestones rubbed against something it made my teeth hurt and was beyond annoying. It doesn’t make any sense though because my rhinestone holly manicure didn’t do that. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to get these nails off and I avoided showing them to anyone. I’m going to have to redeem myself with my next Vikings nails.

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