Monday, April 22, 2013

OPI - DS Radiance

My parents are pretty awesome, I know I’ve mentioned that before, but it bears repeating. We dog sat for them while my newest niece was making her grand appearance and to thank us they decided to grill us steak (in this sentence read ‘they’ to mean ‘dad’). My dad is an amazing cook, especially when fire and meat are involved. His grill is epic; it was specially made just for him and it weighs like 800 pounds. The steaks he made were ridiculous; they weighed a pound and a half each (don’t worry fitness center ladies, I didn’t finish mine). To go with these monster porterhouses, he made huge baked potatoes and amazing stuffed mushrooms - all that food just for watching their sweet little beagle for a few days, totally worth it. Now that I made everyone jealous and hungry, I’ll move on to totally unrelated nails J

I love when people at work come up to me to show me their nails, it makes me feel like I’m the resident nail expert, maybe I can get that into my job description. One such work encounter resulted in the idea for these nails, for this manicure I used OPI DS Radiance and Orly Liquid Vinyl. Every time I use that OPI I’m reminded of how awesome it is, the color is just amazing. When it’s wet it looks like metal that has been liquefied, it goes on so easy, and it looks amazing with one coat, what more can I say?
DS Radiance

This is another one of those manicures where I have no answer to the ‘what are those dots?’ question. Despite the fact that I have no idea what the dots are supposed to be, I love this manicure, it is one of my favorites that I’ve done. They are classy, but still whimsical, and the silver is super shiny and distracting, for me they are like nail heaven.
Maybe they look like ants?

I messed up the dots on my pointer finger but otherwise they came out pretty clean. I get over excited when I do this many dots and I forget to clean off my dotter and it results in sticky dots sometimes. I also had a huge problem with dog hair on this manicure, my girls must be shedding and I had to pull out several hairs from my nails, thanks girls. This is the first time I’ve done tips since the big break and I love the proportion, perhaps I do need to keep them this length.
I love them so much you get three pictures

I’ve been painting my own nails for over a year now, I just renewed my Sally’s card. For everyone who looks at nail art and thinks they can do it I have to say that you can, it really does just take practice. My nails are so much better than when I started, I can’t say I’ve saved money or time, but I’ve had a lot of fun painting my nails, and for me that’s more important J

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