Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shooting Star nails

I have a new niece! After so many nephews (and one niece) the last three babies born have been girls, so many nieces! I have not met my new niece but my mom checked out her nail beds and assured me that they were nice and long. I’m hoping to buy my nieces’ love when they get older by painting their nails but as I struck out with the eight year old on Easter, I’m not sure how much they would actually like crazy aunt Rosie coming after them with nail polish. Perhaps instead of going for ‘beloved aunt’ I should aim for ‘what the hell is wrong with her aunt’. I’m not really ‘beloved aunt’ material, but I can do up crazy in high style.

For this manicure I wanted to have classy nails, that was my thought when I started anyway, so of course they ended up having rhinestones, because for some reason for me classy equals rhinestones (I’m like the Gypsies in that show on TLC). To create this *classy* look, I used China Glaze Gothic Lolita and Color Club Status Update. This is my go to Vikings purple, but I haven’t really used it on its own like this before.
Shooting Star nails

I actually got the idea for these nails from a tattoo I saw, I guess that also means that for me classy equals tattoos, I really have this classy thing down. This manicure really sealed that I freakin love dots on my nails. I especially love tiny dots like I did here; I foresee many little dots in my future. I’m sorry these pictures didn’t turn out very well; I was too lazy to get off the couch and get closer to the light source (the window).
Laziness is my Kryptonite

Thad and I love watching TV, it is our main entertainment (TV and talking about our dogs). We have been watching a lot of Big Bang Theory lately and it is making me want to do superhero nails, I can’t decide on what five to do since I need for them to have pretty simple designs (like Green Lantern). So if you have any suggestions, let me know J.


  1. Flash, red with a yellow lightning bolt on your pointer finger of course

    1. Excellent idea! Two ideas down, three to go :)
