Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuxedo Wedding nails

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but whipped vodka is delicious. My brilliant friend Jackie introduced this delicious beverage to me last year and I’ve taken care of my fair share of bottle of it since then. Recently Jackie came through with another dazzling idea and suggested I mix my whipped vodka with cranberry juice. It tastes just like cheesecake! I don’t know how the combination of cranberries and whipped cream make cheesecake but it does and it is amazing. This might be my new favorite drink and I have Jackie to thank for it, thank you Jackie!!!

I wanted to end my wedding themed nails with a fun design and I think I accomplished that goal. For this manicure I used Orly White Tips and Liquid Vinyl, and Sally Hansen CSM All Fired Up and Wine Not. I think these nails would be perfect if you were the best lady in a wedding (as in a lady best man). They are super cute aren’t they?
Tuxedo Wedding nails

When I was starting these nails Jackie suggested that I do boutonnieres and I’m very happy she suggested that because they really set off the overall look. Not surprisingly, the tuxedos took quite a while to do so I’m happy I decided to only do them as accent nails. The other nails also make the overall look a little classier than they would be with all little tuxes.
And of course there is a dog hair, sigh

These nails are just fun, they are not technically the best nails I have done (I made a lot of mistakes) but they are some of the most fun. I had these nails on when I went to Ulta today and I had two different sales ladies grab my hand to look at them closer. One of the ladies actually recognized me when I came in and asked to see my nails right away because she knew ‘they would be cool’. I’m starting to feel like a celebrity there J


  1. Love them! Very sophisticated. Like if your nails could, they would be drinking a martini like James Bond.

  2. can you post a step-by-step thing on these nails?

    1. I've never done a step by step but I can certainly try!

    2. Just posted a step by step, hope it helps :)
