Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vacation nails

Apparently I don’t blog while on vacation. I got back from my trip to Tennessee yesterday but was still a little too hung over to do much more than vote. From that much information you should be able to surmise that I had a great time, Jackie and I filled my long weekend trip with terrible food/liquor decisions and it was grand. To make up for the lack of blogs you will get three manicures of the price of one in this blog (I should have warned you to sit down before I dropped such a bombshell). The first manicure is actually one I thought I hadn’t taken a picture of but after looking through drunken pictures on my phone I found it. A brief warning about the first two is that I did take the pictures with my phone so the pictures are not the best ever. For this manicure I used Sally Hansen CSM Wine Not and used my super awesome essie Matte About You on the tips. The design I did with some stripper polishes.
The effect was pretty cool

For my trip I knew I wanted a polish that wore nicely on the tips so I wouldn’t freak out about it two days in. China Glaze Fast Track has to be my favorite polish for this, it held up super nice for the whole trip, despite moments along the way when I was less than careful about my nails. I had no idea what design to do and actually got a bit frustrated when I couldn’t find anything that I thought would look cool with the base color I chose. In the end I decided to do diagonal stripes because the outfit I was going to wear when I got there had stripes. (Truth be told I ended up packing two sweaters and a sweater dress all with horizontal stripes and then bought another shirt with them, I think I have a problem). The black stripes are just a stripper polish again and the dots I did with OPI Alpine Snow and Aphrodite’s Pink Nightie. I took the picture at the airport while waiting for my flight, at first I felt a little weird taking a picture of my nails in public but then I remembered that the airport is full of weirdos and no one would notice me.
You can see my dress in the background

The last one I have for you are the nails I managed to paint yesterday while watching a marathon of Sex in the City (no matter how many times I see that show I’m always so happy with Big shows up in Paris). For these nails I used my crackle polish for the first time. The base is Orly Liquid Vinyl and then the crackle is China Glaze CrackedMedallion. I wanted the black to be matte finish so I used essie Matte About You before I put on the crackle layer not thinking about the fact that the crackle is painted all over the nail so the matte coat was kind of a waste. I like how they ended up turning out but I’m not a fan of the texture of the nail, they feel too thick like I have something stuck on them.
Some of them turned out cooler than others

Well, I hope that makes up for the lack of posts while I was on vacation. I think it is about time I find some turkey nails to try out.

1 comment:

  1. welcome back, I was "joanzen" for a blog adventure :o)
