Friday, October 12, 2012

China Glaze Deviantly Daring and Avon Lagoon

I have the immune system of a goldfish, and by that I am making an assumption that goldfish do not posses strong immune systems. I figure that is a pretty safe bet, they don’t seem to be all that sturdy, koi fish on the other hand look quite resilient. By a start like that my nails should probably be fish themed, but alas, they are not nearly that cool. They have a boring ‘I feel like the bottom of a shoe’ feel, I pinkie swear the next set is better (I know this for a fact because I’ve already repainted my nails).

For these nails I decided to do swatches of two new colors I recently acquired. China Glaze DeviantlyDaring is my first chameleon color. In the bottle it was love at first site. The color is an amazing color shifting shade that goes from gold to green to blue to pink. Under the fancy lighting on my nail tech table the color looked amazing when it was wet, but as it dried and when I got it away from the spot light like lighting it just looked green (a cool green, but just green). The other color I used is Avon Lagoon, if you are keeping track this is my first Avon polish. This one is also a color changer, in the bottle it goes from a pretty light blue to pink, it looks like it is full of pink micro glitter and when the light hits it the entire color changes to pink. This amazing color change is only evident in the bottle, on my nails it looked blue, maybe periwinkle, but certainly not stunning.  
These nails say ‘minimum effort’
Ooooo, my right hand, the hang nail looks awful sorry

The formula on these colors was pretty good, the China Glaze covered like a champ and I didn’t really need more than two coats (I did three anyway) the Avon was a bit on the thin side and irked me with its lack of self leveling ability so it pooled a little on the sides. After having these nails for about a day I was beyond tired of them but I didn’t have the energy to totally repaint them so I did what any polish loving girl would do, I covered them in glitter. I picked up some uber cheap glitter polish at Target a few weeks ago ($2 and according to the website this is a price increase?!?!) it is e.l.f. 2F01AS, that’s right polish so cheap they didn’t even give it a name. The glitter immediately caught my eye for both the crazy cheap price and the fact that it has more than one size glitter in it. The polish has a ton of gold micro glitter and then some large round holographic pieces that are pretty rad.
Better, but still not anything to blog about
Another right hand pic! Don’t get used to it

I would have loved to have more of the holographic glitter pieces in the bottle, there were so few that each nail only got a couple pieces which makes it look more like a mistake than anything else (I’m totally using this color when I try my glitter sandwich though). I also was not down with the look of the gold glitter on the green polish, as a result these nails only made it through the night. I’m going to go to bed now, my cold needs it’s beauty sleep.

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