Monday, October 1, 2012

Avon Nail Glitter in Iridescent

I’ve always been a fan of glitter, when I was a teenager I would cover my eyelids in copious amounts of loose glitter and thought it looked particularly fetching when the glitter would get in my eyelashes and stick to my mascara. Poor makeup choice of my youth aside, my love for glitter has remained steady. This being said, when my lovely mom showed me the iridescent nail glitter in her most recent Avon catalog, I was all for her ordering it and buying it for me. The glitter doesn’t have a fancy name, it’s just called nail glitter, and comes in two colors Iridescent and Chrome, I chose the more colorful of the two (very shocking). When I got my glitter it actually looked a lot like the loose eye glitter I had years ago and if you were in a pinch and really wanted to have crazy ass glitter eyes, I bet it would work for that.
Picture from Avon’s website

I feel it is a good time for me to remind all my lovely readers of two glitter related facts: 1) glitter is super pretty and 2) glitter will make the prettiest mess you have ever made so you better get used to the idea of having glitter on your hands, forehead, arms, desk, couch, and basset hound. The application for this glitter was actually pretty easy. After my base coat dried I painted the tip with my cheap top coat and while it was wet dipped my finger in the pot of glitter. I then used my fan brush to get rid of the excess on my finger tip and brush on a thin layer of glitter across the rest of my nail. Putting the glitter over the rest of my nail started out as an accident, since I didn’t tape my nail off some of the glitter static clinged (apparently Word is telling me that ‘clinged’ isn’t a word) to my nail but I liked it so much I decided to put it there on purpose. The glitter ended up looking very blue over Orly Liquid Vinyl but in the container it looks mostly white with a bunch of fun colors, the sparkle factor is awesome. I forgot just how unforgiving a black base is when you don’t do a stellar job near your cuticles so please just don’t look at the hot mess around my cuticles.
These nails make me want to do galaxy nails so bad

If you demand that your manicure be smooth, you may not like this glitter. After three top coats I still have rough patches, and I have amazing topcoat (it makes my nails so shiny that you can see a reflection of the back of my house in the picture above). These nails were actually the second set I painted yesterday, my parents came over earlier in the day and I did some flower nails for my mom (like my flower take two nails). They turned out pretty cute and I think she was a fan of the flower shaped rhinestones I put on. We decided yesterday that I get to do her Halloween birthday nails so I’m going to start Halloween themed nails soon to practice. They should prove to be spooktacular!


  1. Those look like Vegas nails, just sayin'.

    Also just sayin', we should go back to Vegas soon. :)

    1. I would love to do full on gaudy as hell Vegas nails but I would need somewhere to take them ;)

  2. nice... what if we would have have all this stuff all those years ago?
