Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vikings nails

My nails kicked so much ass this weekend (much like the Vikings I painted them for). I was so excited when I thought of this design idea that I actually had trouble sleeping Friday night, that makes me a loser in at least four different ways but I’m ok with that. I actually did my manicure on Saturday (I know that means this blog is way overdue) because we went to the Vikings game on Sunday. My husband loves the Vikings, I like to joke that they are his mistress but the fact is they are kinda like his mistress. Some days he would rather spend time with them than me, when we go out he checks back with them on his phone, and he spends way more money on them. Over the years I’ve grown to not only accept his love of the Vikings but also appreciate football as a sport, I had to learn the rules so that I could understand what was going on during the 12 hours of football on Sundays and now I love the look of pride on his face when I say something intelligent about football in front of people.
This is what an $11 beer looks like
We had pretty nice tickets

I’ve done Vikings nails in the past so I knew that I had to step up my game for the nails I would have while at the game. I used China Glaze Gothic Lolita and Ulta Sun-Sational for the Vikings tips and then chose a pink striper polish since October is breast cancer awareness month and the NFL has it’s ‘a crucial catch’ campaign. The actual Viking logo is a nail tattoo that I got from The Vikings’ Locker Room (which is a store, I didn’t actually sneak in the Vikings’ locker room, and if I did sneak in their locker room I wouldn’t be after nail tattoos as much as I would be after Adrian Peterson, he has such a pretty smile). The manicure required lots of waiting; I had to wait for my topcoat to dry three different times because of the taping I did. The nail tattoos were actually super easy to apply and take off (yes I’ve already taken this manicure off; I told you this blog was late).
Thad was actually so please with these nails that he took pictures of them with his super fancy camera, as he is editing wedding/baby/engagement pictures right now my nail pictures are at the bottom of his list, I’ll add a fancy picture once he has them edited. Right now my nails are clean and blank, so many possibilities.

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