Thursday, September 13, 2012

Owl nails

I used to think that when people complained about migraines they were exaggerating, I mean they are just headaches and everyone gets headaches, right? This holier than though take on migraines quickly changed after I started getting them. I’m not sure on the cause of mine, but I do imagine that winning the lottery would fix them right up. Not surprisingly, given the start to my blog, I have been dealing with a brain melting migraine for three days now. I usually like to refer to my migraines as ‘fight club’ and say super witty things like ‘don’t talk about fight club’ as I find talking about them makes the demon taking up residency in my brain frolic with sadistic bloodlust. For the first time in a long time I had to force myself to paint my nails today, the thought of using very smelly paint and focusing on my nails under police interview style lighting, didn’t really appeal to me. What did appeal to me, and ultimately convinced me I had to do something with my nails, was my super awesome set of dotters I had yet to use (and a big chip out of my left pinkie nail, thanks left pinkie nail).

As I’m not feeling 100% I decided to be a bit lazy and just touch my tip wear up and keep the base color the same, it is so pretty after all. To complete my owls I used Zoya Song (I told you I was in love with it) and Ulta Sun-Sational, Ulta clearly doesn’t have the same color naming people working for them that OPI does. I’m pretty happy with one of my owls, the other owl looks like it got hit up side the face with a baseball bat, I’ll let you decide which owl is which.
Owls outside, I have one of the dotters in my hand
Owls inside after topcoat, notice their beaks are rhinestones

Today my brother texted me an excellent owl joke. What do you call an owl that wears armor? Wait for it . . .  A knight owl!!!!! Good stuff Rick.

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